The C: Local activities with masks
Thalia Teatro organized the local activities in the Regional Library of Ludovit Stur, Zvolen (Slovakia, 20th of April 2022) after the second mobility (in Poland, 6th – 14th April 2022). The workshop for workers with youth was led by Monika Necpalova, the drama pedagogue from Thalia Teatro. Monika was also a trainer during the mobility in Poland, so in Zvolen she continued with the methodology of puppetry, including masks.
The participants of mobility brought masks and puppets from Poland and now during the workshop, it was possible to use them. At the same time, employees of the library, who were participants in the local workshop, created their own masks. Using masks participants welcomed historical Slovak persons in a workshop place and create a situation for discussion of the ecological topic: Books – papers – trees.
Zvolen is a town with a famous history and presents connected with forest protection, forestry, timber industry, and ecology. There is also Technical University with faculties connected to the wood industry and forest protection. The sense of the workshop in the library was to understand that the library as a cultural institution has a big impact on education in forest protection. We talked about ideas about how those minds introduced children, and how to connect them with literature and persons from the local environment. Thankful The C project it was easy to realize that all those it is possible through drama methods. Working with masks during the local workshop opens the doors to new characters from books and also to the personality of writers who can communicate the eco topic to visitors of the library.
Project The C is supported by the Erasmus+ programme as a partnership of Thalia Teatro, Slovakia, Creative Reflex, Denmark, Fundacja Innowacyjnej Edukacji, Poland. More information about the project you can find on FB Thalia Teatro, FB of the project The C Project and the web of the project
Text and photo: Thalia Teatro